A former Planned Parenthood director who renounced her previous life and is now a pro-life advocate says that during her time at Planned Parenthood she shipped out body parts at profits that reached $200 a piece.
“Shipping only costs a clinic $4 to $10 but they are sometimes charging $100 to $200 for each baby,” Abby Johnson told The Christian Post.
“They are charging additional fees, but in reality there are no additional fees except for minimal shipping costs,” Johnson added. “There is definitely money to be made and that’s an issue with the current law.
Johnson watched the videos and verified the information that was being shared is accurate.
“During the season of tissue harvesting, an intact body was gold. An intact fetal body is considered perfection in the land of fetal tissue research. But dismembered body parts were okay, too…and that is usually what we gave them,” Johnson said. “I didn’t see anything taken out of context. What those doctors said was said, period.”
Johnson released an open letter to Dr. Deborah Nucatola, the woman seen in the first undercover video released by the undercover investigation. She shares that she was once where Dr. Nucatola is today and that Christ has a better way to live life than aborting babies for Planned Parenthood and selling the body parts.