Baltimore Ravens Player Skips White House Visit Because of Abortion

Baltimore Ravens offensive lineman Matt Birk refused to visit the White House because of President Obama’s words to the abortion provider Planned Parenthood.

Birk, a devout Catholic and staunch pro-life supporters, said that after President Obama said “God bless Planned Parenthood” he had to decline the opportunity to be honored at the White House for the Super Bowl victory. Continue reading

New Poll Shows “Pro-Choice” Supporters At All-Time Low

Gallup released a new poll Wednesday that showed the number of Americans identifying themselves as “pro-choice” fell to a record low.

The poll showed that only 41% of Americans identify themselves as “pro-choice,” one percentage point below the previous low in March 2009. Half of those surveyed identified themselves as “pro-life,” one percentage point below the previous record high. Continue reading