Monster May

During a show taping not too long ago, the Lord suddenly downloaded the words “Monster May” into my spirit.  It was very much like the countless earlier times I had been given some prophetic insight rather unexpectedly but very certain, nonetheless.  When the Lord spoke the words “Major March” to me on New Year’s Eve 2010, I had no idea the extent of what was coming in March, but the somber events which were to unfold proved that those words were particularly accurate and precise.  Then, nine days before the Japan earthquake and again while on the air, the download from the Lord came again; “There’s going to be a 9-point earthquake somewhere in the world very soon.”   On March 11, 2011 we saw Japan literally moved 8 feet and the earth’s axis shifted 4 inches in a historic earthquake of epic proportion.

The Red Lights of Prophecy are Flashing!

“Hearing from the Lord” is somewhat of a mystery to most people.  But for those who read and believe what the Bible says, hearing from the Lord is not only talked about in the ancient texts, it is essential for the last days.  We are told in Acts 2:17-18 that “in the last days” the Lord will pour out His Spirit, and the result of this will be prophetic revelation in the form of visions, dreams, and prophecy. This is necessary “in the last days” because as we draw closer to the end of this age, we will need prophetic guidance more than ever.  In 1 Corinthians 14:39, Paul instructs the Church:  “So my brothers and sisters, you should truly want to prophesy…”  Paul also said in 1 Corinthians 13:9 that we know in part, and we prophesy in part.  I like the way the New Living Translation explains this:  “Now our knowledge is partial and incomplete, and even the gift of prophecy reveals only part of the whole picture!”

Weather Even More Out of Control:  Death By Water

In 1999, the Lord woke me up in the middle of the night and instructed me to get a pen and begin to write.  One of the things He said to me was there would be “weather even more out of control:  death by water”.  It seems as though this particular prophetic word from the Lord is especially pertinent in 2011 as we see the weather causing record numbers of tornados and rain, and then the Mississippi River floods.  This entire month of May has truly been a ‘monster’, and it’s not over yet.  The effects of this ‘monster’ will be with us forever in loss of life and property, and in the ripple effect it will cause on our crops, our economy, and ultimately, our world.

Memphis Under Water

In January, 2011, Lori and I were in Memphis.  As I looked out my hotel room window, I heard the Lord say “everything you see here will be under water soon”.  The thought sent chills through me – but I know the voice of the Lord and it was an ominous warning.  I later mentioned it on the air in a broadcast in February.

New Orleans Under Water Again

It gives me no pleasure to tell you that another prophetic message given to me in April this year is that New Orleans would again be under water, and this time, they won’t recover.  As the Mississippi River swells and rushes further and further south, New Orleans is doing their best to prepare for the coming waters – but will their best be good enough?

As a “watchman” for the Lord, I see and hear these things to warn people of the coming dangers.  My whole ministry is geared toward preparation for catastrophic events that are surely coming and that’s because we are in the Last Days.  Jesus tells us all about it in Matthew 24 and in the Book of Revelation.  But the most amazing thing about Jesus is that He loves us so much that He is again echoing His prophetic warnings throughout the world to give people plenty of time to see, hear and understand what is coming and to prepare.  I can only believe He does this because He wants us to know that He has us in His heart and hand, and He doesn’t want people to suffer unnecessarily!  He wants us to know that He is coming very, very soon!



Monster May – Recap

Scoffers Have Come

Only crazy people believe in the Book of Revelation.  That’s right – according to a popular newscaster of a leading news network, “No half-smart religious person actually believes the book of Revelation anymore.”  Really?  Well, that says a lot about you and me!  That is… if his next statement is true, “The Book of Revelation is a book of fiction…”

The events of Revelation are clearly prophesied thousands of years ago – exactly as they are happening right now!  God sent the message so that it would be written for all generations to read and take heed,  and so that “whosoever will” would have the opportunity to be ready.  You can’t even be half-smart and not believe we are in the book of Revelation!

The arrogance of an ignorant and unrepentant world to think they can roll their eyes and mock the Holy Word of God!

As we witness the events of Revelation unfolding, let those who are wise understand.  It doesn’t go well with those who mock God.  It’s time to heed the Word of God, not scoff at it!

2 Peter 3:3 says “Above all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires.”

Major March “A Time of Acceleration”

When the Lord told me back in December that this would be a “Major March”, I knew the events that were coming would be remarkable. I felt that there would be major events that would shake the World this month and it would be a wonderful time of healing and blessing for some of God’s people.

Today, I know that what is happening in the world is only going to accelerate and NOW is the time for the Church’s finest hour.  Listen to me now, and believe me when I say that when the world is coming apart, the true Church will come together and be prepared! Continue reading

It Can’t Happen to Us – CAN IT?

Sometimes I’m amazed at the unconcerned mindsets and attitudes the majority of the people who live in this country have.  It seems that no matter what is going on all around us, how much economic turmoil we hear about and see in the news,  or how much chaos the world is experiencing – it seems as though people carry on with a lackadaisical attitude of que sera sera – whatever will be will be. 

How can they do that?  I honestly don’t get it.  I’m a mother and a wife.  My family is my major concern for me.  I am concerned enough about the ones I love to do what I can to spare them any unnecessary pain or grief or lack in Times of Trouble. 

Yesterday and today, I have been watching the news about those poor people in Japan.  The pictures and the videos are heart-wrenching!  My heart goes out to that nation and that people!  Yesterday, I saw a young couple standing in line for milk and diapers for their one-year-old.  Can you imagine not being able to feed your baby or diaper it?

Years ago, right after Katrina, I remember seeing or hearing about an emergency package that people could grab to take with them in  case of a natural disaster or other urgent situation.  It contained everything you need to survive when all of your normal essentials of life were somehow taken from you or otherwise destroyed.  It was from this idea that I asked Jim to develop a “Grab ‘n Go” backpack that we could have for our family in Times of Trouble.  He liked the idea so much that he thought we should share it with others.  It is now available through our on-line store or by calling 1(888) 988-1588.

You know, it’s not the time to criticize people like us for having things like this available!  Please, let’s get past the silliness and just GET READY! 

The prophetic dreams, visions and revelation that the Lord gives his people are for a reason!  We are not to ignore them!  Do what you can today for your family and then rest in the fact that we are in the hands of a loving God.

As this disaster in Japan goes on and on, we are being given the time and the prophetic warning that it is coming to this country through many voices.  Don’t ignore it! Jim has been saying that there will be a 9.0 in Japan and then after that, Los Angeles will have an earthquake.

What if California falls into the ocean?  What if the New Madrid fault gives way in the middle of this country?  I DON’T WANT TO BE AN ALARMIST BUT I DO WANT TO BE A REALIST!  And above all, I want to be wise in preparing for a catastrophe.  I don’t want anyone I love to have to suffer unnecessarily, and I want to have something left over to give to others.    

This truly could be the Church’s finest hours if we WAKE UP, LISTEN AND PREPARE! 




A Major March

On New Year’s Eve 2010, God showed me that the coming month of March would be a “Major March”.  A time of major upheaval but also a time of extreme answers to prayers and blessing for Gods people.    In addition to the New Year’s Eve warning, God again brought a warning  while taping  our television broadcast, that a 9.0 magnitude earthquake was coming, this was a week before the earthquake hit Japan.  We are now witnessing the apocalyptic events in Japan that were undoubtedly a part of both of those warnings.  More earthquakes and major events are coming to Japan very soon.  California and the area from Illinois and Missouri to Arkansas will have major events in the future.  Keep you eyes on the Ring of Fire.

On July 12, 2005, God showed me New Orleans under water.  Forty-one days later, on August 29, 2005, hurricane Katrina hit.

In 1999, God showed me 31 things that will come to pass shortly and most already have.

When I tell you of the warnings God gives me and how they come to pass, I’m doing so because I want you to know how much He cares for you – enough to send you a message through a watchman ahead of time so that you can be ready!  Throughout the Bible, God uses people in certain capacities to deliver His messages and warnings.  These warnings aren’t just meant for me and my family.  No!  These messages and warnings are for the entire family of God so that they can prepare, first their hearts, and then to help themselves and others in practical ways in Times of Trouble.

I do not claim to be a prophet but I am a watchman whom the Lord Jesus uses to warn others to be ready for impending calamity.  Jim Bakker is human and has “feet of clay” just like you do.  I’m not perfect – the only perfect people are the people you don’t know very well, except for Jesus!  I don’t want people to believe in me – I want them to believe in Jesus!  If you put your hope in men, they will fail you.  We are to glorify Jesus, not any man!  Jesus must be on the throne – and we are to be looking unto Jesus as author and finisher of our faith.  We are to be looking with intensity, an intense gaze!  If you lose focus in this hour, you may not have the time to regain your bearings!

The speed with which Biblical prophecy is being fulfilled is mind-boggling.  NOW is the time to get our heads on straight and get our hearts right with God.  NOW is the time to prepare for Times of Trouble.  Remember Revelation warns us when the last days events began they will happen quickly many at one time one right after another!

We will be comforted during the Times of Trouble, and we are not appointed to God’s wrath; but Jesus warns over and over to prepare, both physically and spiritually for what is coming during these times.

The Lord also gave me a dream right before New Year’s Eve about huge waves sweeping down through the streets and over people.  In the dream, I was running into a large tower-like structure and screaming for the people to follow me!  As we climbed higher and higher in the tower I could see the huge waves coming up the streets just as we see in the pictures on television from Japan.

I wouldn’t be a Friend of God or your friend if I didn’t tell you what I’m sensing and hearing.  It’s time to run to God – it’s time to run into the Strong Tower of God and be safe!  It’s time to get ready for the great waves of the Times of Trouble.  They are upon us.

Proverbs 18:10 tells us “ The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runs into it, and they are safe.”



One Day Soon

It may surprise some of  you, but the reality is that we are already in a war, a spiritual war, right here on Earth.  The kingdom of God is being viciously opposed by the forces of evil.  This war is real with very high stakes – the salvation of men, women, boys and girls all over the world.   As the Church, we are new soldiers in this very old war.

Every day we are moving closer and closer to the time of Jesus’ return.    This is not a time to sit on the sidelines and watch as a spectator.  We are entering a season of acceleration. Continue reading

Can These Bones Live?

What could be more unlikely than a pile of human bones living again?  It doesn’t seem like a very intelligent question to ask and an even more impossible thing to actually occur.

Yet, God Himself asked the question of Ezekiel as he looked out over the valley of dry bones:

And he said unto me, Son of man, can these bones live?

and I answered, O Lord God, thou knowest.

As Ezekiel looked at the dry valley of bones, he had no hope.  He saw only bones that appeared to be dead, dry and beyond hope.

There was a reason God asked Ezekiel if the bones could live.  God wanted Ezekiel to know that the bones could live, and that he had a very important role to play in their living.  Let’s read on:

Ezekiel 37:1-10:  Then he said to me, “Prophesy to these bones and say to them, ‘Dry bones, hear the word of the LORD! 5 This is what the Sovereign LORD says to these bones: I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life. 6 I will attach tendons to you and make flesh come upon you and cover you with skin; I will put breath in you, and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the LORD.’”

7 So I prophesied as I was commanded. And as I was prophesying, there was a noise, a rattling sound, and the bones came together, bone to bone. 8 I looked, and tendons and flesh appeared on them and skin covered them, but there was no breath in them.

9 Then he said to me, “Prophesy to the breath; prophesy, son of man, and say to it, ‘This is what the Sovereign LORD says: Come, breath, from the four winds and breathe into these slain, that they may live.’” 10 So I prophesied as he commanded me, and breath entered them; they came to life and stood up on their feeta vast army.

In these last days, there are many of God’s people that appear to be dead, dry and beyond hope.  The battles have been fierce, and while they appear to be defeated, don’t count them out just yet.  In fact, it is the Lord’s heart to count them in!  The Lord is raising up an army – a vast army from the bones of those who appear to be lifeless and without hope!

It is the prophetic call and responsibility of the Church to speak life to the dry bones within.  The Lord said “I will build my Church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it!”

From my own personal experience, when you have been down for such a long time, and someone tells you that you CAN get up – it’s as life-giving as the very breath you breathe!  You can rise again!  You may have been told it’s over, you’re done.  But, God says NOW is the time, NOW is your time!

Jesus came to give hope to the hopeless.  It’s time we learn to speak life to those who need encouragement and hope.  When you speak words of life, you are literally creating the will to live – and that is Jesus’ heart!

NOW is the time to speak life to someone!