Police Break Up March of Pro-Morsi Supporters

A protest march organized by pro-Mohammed Morsi supporters was broken up by police Tuesday morning.

The Morsi supporters claimed they were marching to protest the appointments of army officers as local governors. The police initially hit the marchers with tear gas but then backed off as local residents began to attack the pro-Morsi protesters with bottles and rocks. Continue reading

Abortion Enthusiasts Caught With Jars of Urine & Feces in Texas State House

Pro-abortion enthusiasts were caught with jars filled with urine, feces and paint as they tried to sneak into the gallery of the Texas State Senate to disrupt the debate on Texas’ new abortion restrictions.

In addition to the attempt to bring projectiles into the chamber, several abortion supporters tried to chain themselves to the railing in an attempt to keep the chamber from being able to vote on the measure. Continue reading

Four Killed In Bangladesh Islamist Trial Protests

At least four people are dead and dozens injured in a series of protests connected to the Islamist group Jamaat-e-Islami after one of its leaders was convicted of murder and other war crimes charges Tuesday.

Adding to the tensions were a group of pro-government protesters counter-protesting the Islamists and calling for Abdul Kader Mullah to be sentenced to death for his crimes. Continue reading

Greek Protesters Storm Government Offices

Protesters stormed government offices in Athens breaking doors and overturning chairs as they tried to get to Employment Minister, Yiannis Vroutsis. The minister, who was in the office at the time of the assault, escaped the conflict unharmed.

Police made 33 arrests and used batons to disperse the crowd that managed to surge into the waiting rooms outside the main offices. Continue reading

Bahrain Weaponizing Tear Gas

The US-based rights group Physicians for Human Rights is claiming the government of Bahrain is weaponizing tear gas in an attempt to quell protests in the nation.

Activists in Bahrain say 30 people have been killed as a result of the specialized tear gas. Many more have been injured, maimed or blinded by toxic chemicals inside the canisters. Continue reading