By Rick Joyner
He articulated the issues as well as anyone has, powerfully, eloquently, and with a passion I for one believe he is sincere. Trump endorsed Cruz and his beliefs by giving him the platform to speak at the RNC. For Cruz not to have endorsed Trump will fortify to many that he still has ulterior, selfish motives, and is more concerned about running again in four years than he is for his country, and for the principles he espoused. How many times did he say during the campaign that we don’t have four more years? How many times did we hear him say that the SCOTUS will be changed for a generation at least by the next president? To me his speech tonight was like the baseball hit that looks like the home run that will win the game right until the end, but then it curves and is a just a long foul ball that only brings disappointment. I’m just sayin…”
A few hours later, Pastor Rick added an additional post for his Facebook followers:
“By the responses to the Ted Cruz speech, both the boos at the end of it at the RNC, and the responses on SM, Ted may have blown his chance for a future run tonight. I think all of the candidates who stepped forward in the first debate and said they would support the Republican nominee, and have failed to do so, have all cost themselves a place of future leadership in the party or the country. Trump was the only one who did not step forward that night because he was not going to be pressured by the media to take such a vow, and wanted to know who the candidate was. He was at least honest, and most of the others have kept their word too, but those who didn’t it will be hard to trust again.
For Gov. Kaisch to not even attend the RNC held in his own state is an offense to all Republicans. He too made the vow, but obviously he and the establishment politicians of the old order believe you can say anything just to get elected, but don’t have to actually keep your word. Jeb Bush was a boring candidate, but he was liked, and trusted, until he too failed to keep his word.
What did Ted mean tonight with “vote your conscience.” According to his own principles that he ran on, Trump is the only one he could vote for if he did that, so why wouldn’t he say that? This could have been a big night for Ted, and a huge boost for the GOP, but I think it could now be the night that killed his future.
I’m grieved because I think Ted was one of the strongest potential future leaders, especially with some executive experience in a Trump cabinet. Even so, going back to the grace we talked about earlier, I have resolved not to give up on anyone if they can still fog a mirror. The power of the cross is greater than our failures. Even so, people are not so quick to forgive and trust, so it is going to take a miracle for people’s trust to be restored in Ted after tonight.”