China Has Space Warfare Ability

China has developed the ability for space-based warfare including satellite targeting missiles and other weapons that can destroy the U.S. communication net.

Space warfare experts say that the United States’ dependence on satellites for communications among military units is a weakness that is being targeted by the Chinese in the event of future military conflict.

“The current and evolving counterspace threat posed by China to U.S. military operations in the Asia Pacific theater and outside is extremely serious,” Ashley Tellis, former State Department and National Security Council strategic specialist, told Congress.

The experts believe that in the short term China will focus on producing missiles capable of destroying U.S. satellites in space.   They testified that most current models used by the military for potential conflicts assume that their satellite based communication system would not be disrupted.

Robert Butterworth, former chief of strategic planning for Air Force Space Command, said that while war with China is not an imminent threat, Congress needs to remember that China won’t be dissuaded in their efforts by the world reminding them about current norms against weaponizing space.