Healthy Bodies and Spirituality

Have you ever noticed that when you are really sick, you can’t in actuality concentrate on anything – and that includes spiritual things? When I’m sick, it seems like every bit of strength I have goes to getting well and I can’t seem to get spiritual about anything! I know none of you have ever dealt with this, but I sure have (*wink*).

In fact, being sick doesn’t bring out the best in me or anyone else. Some people think you get more spiritual when you’re sick, but I’ve found it to be just the opposite. There are times when I get outright cantankerous and I’ve seen others do the same thing. That’s just NORMAL. When people don’t feel good, they are not themselves.

This is one of the reasons Jim and I believe in being as healthy as possible. When your body is not healthy, you’re not as strong spiritually! This is one of the ways the devil will attack God’s people in the End Times, yet not many think about it at all. If you’re worn down physically, you’re less likely to be strong in your prayer life, or anything else.

If ever we need to be in good health, it’s in these tumultuous days. We live in a world that is morally, spiritually, and economically sick. Staying well ourselves is imperative so that we are not overcome by this world and all of its spiritual darkness. We need to be healthy in our bodies so that our spirits can be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might!

I hope you know that you were chosen to be here during the Last Days and that God has a special plan for your life. I hope you know that every single Child of God is important to the plan of God for these Last Days. I hope you take care of yourself and get as healthy as you can possibly get. Do what you can do – eat right – take care of that temple – and leave the rest to God!

