Huge Leap In Microwave Emitting Laser Technology

Researchers have made a huge breakthrough in microwave emitting laser technology allowing them to maintain a beam at room temperature for the first time. Previously, all versions of microwave emitting lasers, or a “maser,” required high magnetic fields and technically challenging cooling systems.

The report published in the journal “Nature” shows that masers can be created using a crystalline material without any cooling units or magnets. Continue reading

“T-Rays” To Increase Internet Data Rates

Researchers in Japan have a new system that will increase internet data transmission rates to 20 times over the most common internet wi-fi standard. The research claims that the “T-Ray” band could offer huge amounts of bandwidth that has been previously unavailable to businesses and consumers.

The band is between the microwave and the far-infrared regions of the spectrum and it’s currently unregulated, allowing anyone to use the space. Continue reading