Pastor Jim & Lori Bakker welcome Paul Munsen as they discuss Solar Cooking for Day 2 on The Jim Bakker Show. Continue reading
Pastor Jim & Lori Bakker welcome Paul Munsen as they discuss Solar Cooking for Day 2 on The Jim Bakker Show. Continue reading
In the challenging times ahead, cooking conveniences that we take for granted may be unavailable. However, it will still be essential to have a way to boil water, cook food and do it in a sustainable way that is not dependent on fuel or electrical appliances.
Paul Munsen, president of SUN OVENS International, is on the forefront of preparation for the End Times with his company. They produce a completely solar powered cooking device that will allow you to have cooked food or safe water anywhere and at any time!
Paul is coming to Morningside and we want you to join us! He will do demonstrations of the SUN OVEN on Monday, June 4th, and then will join us for a live taping of the Jim Bakker Show on Tuesday, June 5th at 11:30 am CST! Continue reading