The Trial of Your Faith (Pt. 6)

I share these very intense times of the trials of my faith with you so that you will know you’re not alone in your trial, whatever it may be.  Our circumstances may be different, but I know that human suffering has a common element – and it’s in that commonality that I want to connect with you who suffer today and let you know that you can make it.  God will never leave you or forsake you and He will work all things for your good – even those things that appear to have no redemptive purpose like this event in 1990 while I was in Rochester Prison: Continue reading

The Trial of Your Faith (Pt. 4)

Have you ever heard the saying in Christian circles, “never trust anyone who doesn’t walk with a limp?”  This saying is so common now that it sometimes can sound rather trite, but it’s not, not when it comes from a place of suffering and humility.  When it’s used by someone who hasn’t been to that place, and doesn’t know of that suffering, it’s usually brought without the humility that characterizes its veracity. Continue reading