The Economic Collapse Blog: BLACK MONDAY: The First Time EVER The Dow Has Dropped By More Than 500 Points On Two Consecutive Days

On Monday, the Dow Jones Industrial Average plummeted 588 points. It was the 8th worst single day stock market crash in U.S. history, and it was the first time that the Dow has ever fallen by more than 500 points on two consecutive days. But the amazing thing is that the Dow actually performed better than almost every other major global stock market on Monday.  In the U.S., the S&P 500 and the Nasdaq both did worse than the Dow. In Europe, almost every major index performed significantly worse than the Dow.  Over in Asia, Japanese stocks were down 895 points, and Chinese stocks experienced the biggest decline of all (a whopping 8.46 percent). On June 25th, I was not kidding around when I issued a “red alert” for the last six months of 2015. I had never issued a formal alert for any other period of time, and I specifically stated that “a major financial collapse is imminent“. But you know what? As the weeks and months roll along, things will eventually be even worse than what any of the experts (including myself) have been projecting. The global financial system is now unraveling, and you better pack a lunch because this is going to be one very long horror show.

Our world has not seen a day quite like Monday in a very, very long time. Let’s start our discussion where the carnage began…

The Economic Collapse Blog – The Economic Collapse Blog: BLACK MONDAY: The First Time EVER The Dow Has Dropped By More Than 500 Points On Two Consecutive Days

Bible Not Available In 57% of World Languages

The recent State of the Bible report from the American Bible Society reported this statistic:  57 percent of the world’s languages do not have a translation of the Bible.

The same survey showed a super majority of Americans believe the Bible has already been translated into every language on the planet.  Of 2,000 surveyed Americans, 72 percent said they believe the Gospel is available to the world in their native tongue.

Almost 31 percent of languages in the world do not even have a Bible translation underway and another 26 percent do not have a completed Bible translation.

Wycliffe Bible Translators president Bob Creson told the Christian Post that while there is a huge number of languages without a Bible, the translation process is happening faster than at any time in history.

“[2,195] is the highest number in history. There is more work going on than ever before. One of the ways I usually talk about it is that people have more access to Scripture than any other time in history in their first language. It gives people the best opportunity to respond to the Good News message,” Creson said.

Creson says that the goal is to have the translation process started for all the world’s languages by 2025.

“One way to look at [the survey], if you are a Bible translation agency like we are and the American Bible Society, you can be discouraged by that. But, that just shows you the opportunity that we have to continue to educate the Christian public about the need for Bible translation,” Creson said. “One of the big strengths of the American Bible Society is their geographic reach to be able to educate people on that issue. We partner with ABS on a number of different and important translation projects. I am very glad to see them doing this because they have a great reach to be able to help people understand that we are not there yet.”

Bible App Reveals Most Searched Verses in 2014

The YouVersion Bible app has released a list of the most searched Bible verses during the year 2014.

According to all searches, Romans 12:2 is the verse read more than any other:

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”

The administrators of the program say that 164 million smartphone and tablet users around the world have downloaded the YouVersion Bible app.  87 percent of Christians worldwide who have internet access have been reached by the app.

Philippians 4:8 and Philippians 4:6 finished second and third in the list.  The number four verse on the list, Jeremiah 29:11, was most popular in Canada, the U.K., Australia and South Africa.

The app’s creators hope to have the ability to reach all 6,901 languages in the world through a program called Every Tribe Every Nation.

5.8 Billion Now Have Access To The Bible

Wycliffe Bible Translators USA has said that over 5.8 billion people worldwide now have access to God’s word.

“Last year, Wycliffe Global Alliance reported that 4.9 billion people could access at least part of the Bible in their first language. This year the number has grown to 5.8 billion,” Bob Creson, president and CEO of Wycliffe, told The Christian Post. “This represents tremendous progress toward our goal of starting a translation project in every language needing one by 2025.”

Creson said that advances in technology that increase the speed of translations have helped them.

“There are about 7000 languages in active use and at least one book of Scripture exists in almost 2,900 of these languages,” noted Wycliffe Global Alliance. “At least 1.3 billion people do not have the full Bible available in their first language. Over 634 million of these have the New Testament; others have portions or at least some level of work begun.”

Anti-Semitism Rises In Wake of Gaza Conflict

A new report shows anti-Semitism worldwide making a significant increase in the wake of the conflict in Gaza.

The footage of Hamas terrorists shooting rockets into Israel, the murder of Israeli civilians by Hamas terrorists, the tunnels into Israel that have been used for terror attacks have fallen on deaf ears in most countries because of media coverage only showing the impact on Palestinian civilians who are used as cover by terrorists.

The heavily Jewish section of Paris was looted and attacked as the mob showed “gas the Jews.”  Synagogues and Jewish centers in Paris and other French cities were firebombed and Nazi symbols spray painted onto Jewish property.

Germany showed particularly nasty incidents including in Berlin where protesters would stand in front of the homes of Jewish residents and yell “Jew, cowardly pig, come out and fight.”  In Frankfurt, protesters carried signs saying “Jews are beasts.”

In the United States, the mainstream media ignored multiple instances of Jews being attacked and harassed.  No major network covered the story of a Jewish student in Boston who was attacked by a woman saying that Jerusalem would be cleansed of the Jews while a crowd chanted that Jews better learn how to swim.

Group Plans To Offer Free Wi-Fi To Planet

A new organization wants you to be able to check your e-mail in the middle of the Amazonian rainforest or the deserts of Africa.

A group calling themselves the Media Development Investment Fund is creating something called Outernet, which involves hundreds of mini-satellites that would orbit earth and provide Wi-Fi to the entire planet.

The MDIF says that the new technology would allow free press and information to flow into countries that block internet access to citizens like China and North Korea.  Currently about 60% of the planet has access to the internet mostly because poor areas of the world lack the infrastructure necessary to sustain signal.

The company plans to ask NASA to run tests of their service from the International Space Station in September 2014.  If the tests from the ISS are successful, the company believes they can begin Outernet by June 2015.

The service will not be like traditional internet service in that the user can go to any website but the service will be much like satellite TV in that it will provide a menu of websites for users visit.

Experts Say H1N1 Pandemic Death Toll Actually Ten Times Higher

A new report on deaths linked to the 2009 H1N1 swine flu pandemic shows the total number of deaths to be more than ten times higher than reported by the World Health Organization.

The study also discovered that respiratory deaths in the Americas can be 20 times higher than the death rates in Europe.

Examining only deaths from pneumonia that could have been connected to the flu, the study showed Mexico, Argentina and Brazil had the highest death rates from the pandemic. The toll was significantly lower in New Zealand, Australia and in most of Europe.

“[The report] confirms that the H1N1 virus killed many more people globally than originally believed,” study author Lone Simonsen of George Washington University said. “We also found that the mortality burden of this pandemic fell most heavily on younger people and those living in certain parts of the Americas.”

The World Health Organization said in 2010 the death toll from H1N1 was around 18,500 but noted their total was limited to laboratory confirmed testing.

Catholic Church Sees Attendance Increase From Pope Francis

The Catholic Church is reporting a huge upswing in attendance in the 8 months since Pope Francis was chosen to lead.

Churches in Britain have seen a 20% rise in attendance with a mix of new and returning members. More than half of priests in Italy have reported seeing a significant upturn in attendance and Spain’s church leaders report a decade-long slump in attendance has suddenly reversed.

In addition, leaders in the U.S., France and Latin America report growth.

All of those surveyed credited Pope Francis and his appeal to those who have felt like they were being cast aside from the church. Surveys say that people are very impressed with his simple lifestyle, devotion to service to the poor and needy and his commitment to rid the papacy of pedophile priests.

One columnist even said that Pope Francis has become the world’s biggest voice for change in the current system getting people to focus on the needs of others.