“T-Rays” To Increase Internet Data Rates

Dan 12:4  NLT “But you, Daniel, keep this prophecy a secret; seal up the book until the time of the end, when many will rush here and there, and knowledge will increase."

Researchers in Japan have a new system that will increase internet data transmission rates to 20 times over the most common internet wi-fi standard. The research claims that the “T-Ray” band could offer huge amounts of bandwidth that has been previously unavailable to businesses and consumers.

The band is between the microwave and the far-infrared regions of the spectrum and it’s currently unregulated, allowing anyone to use the space.

The technology to generate and use “T-rays” has been considered too expensive for common use in recent years but items are being prepared that could handle the new rays.

Currently the estimated effective range of the waves is 10 meters. Researchers are currently working to improve the distance without significant increases in power usage.


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