Russian Flash Flooding Kills Over 170

Luke 21:25,26 NAS “There will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth dismay (tension from difficult circumstances that "won't move" which produces distress or anguish – causing someone to feel "locked in" or “tightly pressed”)  among nations, in perplexity at the roaring of the sea and the waves, men fainting (lose morale, become disheartened, like lapsing into temporary unconsciousness) from fear and the expectation of the things which are coming upon the world...

“Catastrophic calamities are coming upon the earth, not one of these days in the distant future, but soon—now! Torrential rains, unsettling weather patterns, violent storms, floods, famines, droughts, earthquakes increasing in frequency and intensity, volcanic eruptions, and a host of other signs of the times Jesus told us to watch for are happening now.”

-Jim Bakker in “Prosperity and the Coming Apocalypse”

Flash flooding in the Krasnodar region killed at least 171 people on Friday night with local officials admitting they were unable to give adequate warning. Two local leaders have already been dismissed because of the incident and President Vladimir Putin has demanded a full report of the incident.

In addition to the deaths, at least 17 people are missing and 210 people have been hospitalized including almost 50 children.

“Not all the population was warned in time,” Emergencies Minister Vladimir Puchkov said. “Mistakes were made by local leaders and various services.”

Over 11 inches of rain struck on Friday night forcing many onto the roofs of their homes. The rainfall was more than five times the monthly average for the region.

Krasnodar officials say more than 24,000 people have been impacted by the floods. More than 5,000 homes have been destroyed by the flood waters.


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