Sun Increases Solar Flare Activity

Warnings that solar flares could cause massive disruptions to communications and power grids became a lot more credible this weekend as the sun showed signs of increased flare activity.

The sun followed up a November 13th M6 solar flare emission with a pair of flares in a four hour period on November 16th. The double emission was pointed away from Earth minimizing any effect on the planet.

However, one of the plasma loops from the prominence eruptions was so large it shot past the range of NASA’s Solar Dynamic Observatory’s range.

A “prominence” is plasma that flows along tangled and twisted magnetic fields. When the tangles get unstable, the plasma launches outward sending dangerous levels of radiation hurtling through space.

If pointed toward Earth, the prominence could cause massive disruptions in satellite communications and GPS including destruction of satellites. It could also cause serious damage to the International Space Station.

The impact of these solar storms could last from minutes to hours depending on the size of the eruption. However, these are only the lowest classification of solar flares. Higher levels if they head toward Earth could cause significantly longer outages.

2 thoughts on “Sun Increases Solar Flare Activity

  1. A particularly severe storm slammed into earth on March 13, 1989, causing a system-wide power failure in Quebec. Just 90 seconds after the onset of the storm, six million people were left without power.
    In 1972, the entire power system of Sweden was knocked out. Radio communications were blacked out around the world. Power lines experienced surges in voltage and transformers exploded. Circuit breakers were tripped, and the electrical filters in long-distance phone lines were vaporized. Our satellite defense system was paralyzed and NORAD went belly up for three days. The military was near hysteria.
    But these were minor storms by historical standards. The last mega-flare was in 1859. It was so strong that electrical current was induced in telegraph lines and messages
    could be sent without using batteries. The aurora borealis flared so brightly that it could be seen in Hawaii. If that storm occurred today, it would be a worldwide disaster of Biblical proportions. The sunspot cycle peaks in 2013 and solar activity is predicted to be intense. .

  2. People, if you don’t believe the threat from the Sun or an EMP is credible, let me help you. I live in Knoxville Tn. FEMA in the last year has installed a 5000 Gal diesel powered gen and shrouded it in EMP protective plating at a local fm radio station with 100,000 watts of broadcast power. When the grid goes down and people cannot get information needed as to whats going on LAWLESSNESS will abound and all HELL will break loose. CHURCH, you better get your head outta your Butt and dive into that WORD and you’ll see that I’ll fly away ain’t the song they’ll be playin, PRAY people, for Israel and Peace in Jerusalem, and that you be accounted worthy to escape these things… In the Spirit of Love Mike

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