Malian and French Armies Recapture Two Cities From Islamists

Mark 13:8 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.

The French Air Force, according to local officials, has driven Islamist terrorists out of two towns in central Mali following major air strikes. Mali’s army was able to recapture Konna and a combined force took control of Diabaly later in the day.

The gains come as the second wave of French troops is now fully engaged in the fighting. Another 800 troops are expected to join within the next month. In addition, the first troops from an all-African force arrived in the Mali capital yesterday.

The United Nations has authorized efforts to create an African-led force of about 3,300 to fight the terrorist group.

The area is still off-limits to foreign nationals and groups including Doctors Without Borders who have been trying to reach civilians in the impacted towns. The U.N. estimates as many as 400,000 people are trying to flee the country because of the war.

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