Massive Aftershocks Continue To Hit Solomon Islands

Luke 21:11 There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.

Rescue efforts in the Solomon Islands have been hampered by ongoing aftershocks of significant intensity. Late Friday local time, a 7.1 magnitude aftershock caused residents to fear a second tsunami was possible. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said the quake did not cause a tsunami.

The death toll from Wednesday’s 8.0 quake and resulting tsunami has risen to 13 confirmed dead.

A 6.6 magnitude aftershock that struck earlier Friday damaged roads in the tsunami swamped town of Lata, further hampering efforts to reach those wounded and stranded. Several surrounding villages were completely flattened by the tsunami and officials say thousands of residents are homeless.

Debris on the airstrip has hampered relief efforts. The nation’s Prime Minister, who had planned to come join the rescue efforts, had his plane turned back when it was determined there was still too much debris on the runway for a safe landing.

Andrew Catford of World Vision said a relief plane was able to land late in the day.

“We’ve had over 115 aftershocks,” Catford told the Associated Press. “[Lata] is like a ghost town.”

“At first we thought it was going to be quite small but now it looks like it’s going to be very big and communities will not be able to handle it themselves,” Sipuru Rove of the national disaster management office told AFP. “This is where we might require external assistance.”

Australia and New Zealand have pledged financial support and relief efforts.

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