Police Beat and Torture Indian Christians

Mark 13:13 “You will be hated by all because of My name, but the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.”

Christians in Phatachanchara, India were tortured and beaten on February 15th according to a report just released from the Barnabas Fund.

Christians were forced from their homes at 2:30am by close to 60 local police officers who invaded the homes without warning. The Christians were beaten, abused and in some cases made to march miles across rocky, thorny ground in bare feet.

One of the villagers was tied to a tree and assaulted by police while they sang “O God, O Jesus. Alleluia, Alleluia.” The singing reportedly caused the police officers to become more vicious in their assaults.

A four year old boy suffered a fractured hand after a police officer stomped on him.

The International Christian Concern says that the Indian state where Phatachanchara is located has a pattern of violence against Christians.

“Violent attacks against Christians in India, including assault, battery, rape and murder, have long gone ignored or under-investigated by local police officials,” the ICC said. “In the worst cases, local police officials have crossed the line from passive acquiescence to active participation in attacks on Christians. According to a report from India’s eastern state of Orissa, five Christians were killed by local police after being mistaken for Maoists.”

The region of over 36 million people is dominated by Hindus.

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