China Bird Flu Death Toll Stands At 9

Revelation 6:7,8 NCV When the Lamb opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, "Come!"8 I looked, and there before me was a pale horse. Its rider was named death, and Hades was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill people by war, by starvation, by disease, and by the wild animals of the earth.

Two more people have died from the H7N9 strain of bird flu according to official Chinese state media.

The two patients came from two separate provinces and there was no connection between the two victims.

A total of 28 people in China have officially been confirmed as having H7N9. China has banned live poultry trading in Shanghai and Nanjing. The World Health Organization is negotiating the China to send in a team of international experts to assess the virus and work on a vaccine.

The WHO says that the son of an elderly man who died from H7N9 died this weekend from a respiratory illness but deny it was bird flu. They say there has been no confirmed human-to-human transmission.

Meanwhile, a Senior military official in the People’s Liberation Army claimed that H7N9 is a biological weapon unleashed by the United States on China. Sr. Col. Dai Xu also said the U.S. was behind SARS in 2003.

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