Clash Between Nigerian Troops And Islamic Terrorists Kill 185

Matthew 24:10,11 Then he said to them: “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.

Islamist terrorists in extreme northeast Nigeria launched an assault on military troops in the town of Baga, killing 185 civilians and essentially leveling the town.

The assault featured rocket-propelled grenades and heavy gunfire that resulted in the destruction of over 2,000 homes. Residents of the town fled into the bush and returned the next day to find human and animal corpses strewn all over the streets of the ruined city.

“Everyone has been in the bush since Friday night; we started returning to town because the governor came,” Baga resident Bashir Isa told the Associated Press. “To get food to eat in the town now is a problem because even the markets are burnt. We are still picking corpses of women and children in the bush and creeks.”

Local reporters said this incident marks the first time Boko Haram terrorists have used heavier weapons. They also reported many of the bodies had been burned beyond recognition.

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