U.S. Considering Arming Syrian Rebels

syriafighterIn light of reports that the Syrian government has used chemical weapons on civilians and that military troops are carrying out summary executions of suspected rebels without trial, the U.S. is considering supplying arms to the Syrian rebels.

U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel told reporters that for the first time the U.S. is no longer ruling out the possibility of arming the rebels.  Last year, President Obama had rejected a similar proposal from then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

“Arming the rebels, that’s an option,” Hagel said during a press conference.  “You look at and rethink all options.  It doesn’t mean you do or you will.  These are options that must be considered with the international community.”

A European Union ban on arming the rebels expires in a few weeks and Hagel’s British counterpart, Philip Hammond,  said Britain would be looking at their options after the ban’s expiration.

Sources within the defense department told a BBC reporter that because the U.S. does not want to directly get involved militarily in Syria, arming the rebels is now considered the “least worst option.”

Both Hagel and Hammond stated that despite multiple reports and photographic proof of the Syrian government using chemical weapons, there is still not enough hard evidence to act.  Hammond said that because much of the public clearly remembers the weapons of mass destruction claims in 2003 which led to the Iraq invasion, any evidence of chemical weapons would have to come from “very clear, very high quality evidence.”

More than 70,000 have died in the Syrian civil war.


One thought on “U.S. Considering Arming Syrian Rebels

  1. We have a gov. wanting our guns,but arming rebels in Syria…Now,if this were in the USA and the rebels would be criminals where would they get arms??To be honest,we as a nation,have lied so much,to so many,we have trouble finding the truth when we need it…we have advanced so much in communication….we no longer can talk to each other with god’s understanding…one doesn’t need a cell phone to talk to god and a computer want put us in heaven…tell a lie,television,telephone,telecommunication,telemarket,telegram…we tell so much,when all god wants is for us to tell the truth…so many people,so many words,,,but very little understanding…and the word was god…god said let there be….he created it all,after he spoke it,,,so do we.our gov.is speaking for us..we elected them to do so..the majority rules and it represents our will as a nation…our blood and wealth is spent by those manifesting our will..we watch the news,we listen to sermons,but do we really listen to god??our hearts are silent while our ears are filled by tele….what ever…not my will,but the fathers will be done..our will and god’s will should be one will…manifest that will…

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