Arizona Abortionist: We “Induce A Demise”

plannedparenthoodliespictureThe latest video from a pro-life undercover investigation of abortion clinics in the U.S. has an Arizona clinic admitting they kill babies.

The doctor with Family Planning Medical Associates Group in Phoenix told a 24-week pregnant woman that they “induce a demise – an intrauterine demise – um, death” in a video released by Live Action.  The video is the third in a series of six undercover investigations.  The previous two videos, one in New York and one in Washington, D.C., included a woman that said they would place a baby inside a jar of toxic substances to make sure it died.

In the Arizona video, the doctor warns the investigator not to visit an emergency room if there is a problem.

“No, call us first,” the doctor said. “If you showed up in an average emergency room with an emergency room physicians who’s not a gynecologist, probably has never seen or done a termination, they will treat you as though you are somebody with a desire pregnancy.”

That means the emergency room staff would try to save the baby’s life.

Live Action is releasing the videos to show that the murders at the West Philadelphia clinic described in the trial of Dr. Kermit Gosnell are not exceptions to the rule as claimed by pro-abortion groups like Planned Parenthood.

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