Judge Rules In Favor of Bible Banners

Mark 13:13 “You will be hated by all because of My name, but the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.”

A judge has sided with a group of cheerleaders at a Texas high school who wanted to display banners at football games with Bible verses.

“[No law] prohibits cheerleaders from using religious-themed banners at school sporting events,” State District Judge Steve Thomas ruled Wednesday.

The anti-Christian group Freedom From Religion Foundation had filed a complaint against the cheerleader’s actions last October.  The High School and Middle School cheerleading teams wished to paint inspirational verses on the banners that teams would run through before the start of games.

“The Freedom From Religion Foundation was wrong in trying to bully Kountze ISD into prohibiting the cheerleaders from displaying banners with religious messages,” Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott told Fox News. “The students’ ability to express their religious views adds to the diversity of thought that has made this country so strong. I’m very proud of these young ladies – standing up for what you believe in isn’t always easy, but it’s always the right thing to do.”

Abbott praised the students for standing up for their rights against a group known for bullying Christians into silence.

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