Students Fighting For Ten Commandments

Mark 13:13 “You will be hated by all because of My name, but the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.”

The anti-Christian organization Freedom From Religion Foundation descended on the small Oklahoma town of Muldrow demanding that schools remove plaques of the Ten Commandments from classrooms. They claimed that an “anonymous” member of the community had filed a complaint.

What the FFRF didn’t count on was the students fighting back against the anti-Christian bullying.

“It’s Christianity under attack within our own country,” Pastor Josh Moore of Muldrow First Baptist Church told FoxNews. “The irony can’t be missed by anyone who’s lived in this country or grown up in this country.”

Hundreds of students have started social media campaigns and petitions to fight the FFRF.

“It’s a pretty big deal,” student Chase Howard told KHOG-TV. “One person kind of put it out there on Twitter. A couple of us hash tagged it and asked people to get it trending. After that it just caught on.”

Students will be wearing T-shirts printed with the Ten Commandments to school as a way to show they believe Christians have the same rights to express their beliefs as anyone else.

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