Second Alaska Volcano Threatens Eruption

Acts 2:19 And I will show wonders in the sky above and signs on the earth below, blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke.

Alaska is looking at its second volcanic eruption in a month.

The Alaska Volcano Observatory is reporting that tremors were detected Monday on Pavlof Volcano. The volcano is 37 miles from the community of Cold Bay, 620 miles southwest of Anchorage.

John Power of the U.S. Geological Survey called the mountain “very, very hot”. The aviation alert level was raised from “yellow” to “orange”. Should the volcano erupt with a plume of ash, it could disrupt international flights.

Pavlof last erupted in 2007 but Cold Bay was spared when the winds blew ash away from the village. The 2007 eruption lasted 29 days with mudflows and erupting lava along with ash clouds almost 3 ½ miles high.

Cleveland Volcano erupted earlier this month. Located on a remote island, the eruption did not impact mainland Alaska but ash clouds caused re-routing of aircraft.

One thought on “Second Alaska Volcano Threatens Eruption

  1. We here in Anchorage are praying for God to bring Alaska to her knees. If the ring of fire shakes any more, it could shake California, move up the coast and take out Juneau, Anchorage and the Aleutian Chain. Perhaps this would turn Alaska back to God. We continue to pray. Peace,

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