Georgia Governor Orders Bibles Returned To State Parks

Mark 13:13 “You will be hated by all because of My name, but the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.”

Georgia’s governor has issued an order reversing a Department of Natural Resources decision to remove Bibles from cabins and lodges at state parks.

Governor Nathan Deal ordered the Bibles to be returned after what he called a decision made “out of an abundance of caution to avoid potential litigation.” The Bibles were removed after a visitor complained about a Bible in their room.

The Bibles had been donated to the parks by Gideons International and have been traditionally placed in the cabins and lodge rooms. The decision to remove them created outrage among Christian groups throughout Georgia.

The state attorney general told the governor the state was on solid footing in returning the Bibles because they were donated by a private group and there is no restriction on any private group donating items for rooms at state parks.

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