School District Appealing Decision To Let Cheerleaders Use Bible Passages

Mark 13:13 “You will be hated by all because of My name, but the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.”

Cheerleaders at a Texas school were stunned to learn that the school board is going to appeal a judge’s decision permitting Bible verses to be used on football banners.

“We think the attorneys on the other side are reading into the court’s decision rights that just aren’t there,” Tom Brandt, attorney for the school district, told the Beaumont Enterprise.

The school originally banned the cheerleaders from using the Christian-themed banners after the anti-Christian Freedom From Religion Foundation contacted the school and claimed it violated the First Amendment Establishment Clause. A judge ruled in favor of the cheerleaders leading many in the town of Kountze to believe the cheerleaders had stood up to the school and won.

“It is unfortunate that Kountze ISD keeps spending taxpayer money fighting against the speech rights of these cheerleaders,” Hiram Sasser of the Liberty Institute told Fox News. “I do not understand why the school district cannot simply accept that it lost and move on instead of continuing to fight against these cheerleaders who simply wanted to encourage the players with uplifting messages.”

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