College Student Ordered To Remove Cross As It “Might Offend”

Mark 13:13 “You will be hated by all because of My name, but the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.”

A student at Somona State University was ordered to remove a necklace she wore containing a cross because it “might offend other students.”

Audrey Jarvis, 19, is filing a religious accommodation request with the school after a supervisor with Associated Student Productions ordered her to remove the necklace during a student orientation.

“My initial reaction was one of complete shock,” Jarvis told FOX News. “I was thrown for a loop…I believe as a Christian woman it is my prerogative to display my faith any way I like so long as it is not harming anyone else.”

Initially refusing to remove the necklace, the supervisor returned to tell her to hide the cross under her shirt or to completely remove it. Jarvis became so upset by the supervisor’s actions she left her job early.

A University spokeswoman confirmed to FOX News that the incident occurred but made no attempt to defend the actions.

“Someone who works here was concerned that the cross might be off-putting to students who are coming to campus for the first time,” Susan Kashack told FOX. “[The supervisor] was completely wrong. It was absolutely an inappropriate action for him to make that request of her.”

Sonoma State President Ruben Arminana was “angered” by the incident according to Kashack and is trying to make contact with Jarvis to personally apologize for the incident.

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