Obesity Could Pose Osteoporosis Risk

A new study suggests that obesity is a contributing factor to the frail bone disease osteoporosis.

A Harvard Medical School study on 106 men and women in the Boston area showed hidden fat inside their bones that could lead to fractures. Body scans of the overweight but otherwise healthy patients showed fat hidden in the liver, muscles and bone marrow along with belly, hips or thighs.

Apple shaped people who carry their weight around their belly are at the greatest risk according to study head Dr. Miriam Bredella.

Dr. Bredella says that because bone marrow is where the cells responsible for forming new bone are located that increase storage of fat cells in those areas will hinder bone production and increase risk of fracture.

“If you have a spine filled with fat, it’s not going to be as strong,” Dr. Bredella stated.

Researchers say that since we cannot choose where our body stores fat when we gain weight, the only answer is to stay slim.

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