EU Sides With Palestine In Israel-Palestinian Land Conflict

Luke 19:43,44 “The days will come upon you when your enemies will build an embankment against you and encircle you and hem you in on every side. They will dash you to the ground, you and the children within your walls. They will not leave one stone on another, because you did not recognize the time of God’s coming to you.”

Editor's Note: Jim Bakker teaches to watch Israel closely because it is the prophetic timeclock for the unfolding of Last Days events. In Matthew 24, Israel is the fig tree that the Lord told His people to observe to understand the times. It is like a barometer of what is happening in the nations.

In a major sign that the European Union is going to vacate a position of neutrality and side with Palestine in their ongoing campaign against Israel, the EU has issued new guidelines that starting in 2014 banning any funding of Israeli projects in disputed territories.

EU members will be banned from any Israeli project in East Jerusalem, the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and the Golan Heights.

Also, any Israeli project that receives EU funding must complete applications and sign affidavits that none of the project is connected to the “banned” regions.

“Europeans are making a big mistake once again,” Israeli minister Silvan Shalom said. “They always would like to play a key role in the peace process but once again they are showing us that they cannot play a key role because they don’t have a balanced attitude towards the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”

The Palestinians are refusing peace talks until the construction of new settlements in the parts of Israel they wish to take over. The EU’s efforts support the Palestinian’s demands to stop construction under the guise of a “territorial applicability clause”.

“I would like to remind my European friends that…the Israeli government in the past took many decisions to evacuate settlements and they didn’t need Europeans to show them what to do,” Shalom said.

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