Kidnapped Aid Workers Rescued From Islamic Terrorists

Two Spanish aid workers for the group Doctors Without Borders were rescued from their Islamic terrorist captors Thursday.

Montserrat Serra and Blanca Thiebaut were kidnapped in Kenya in 2011 by al-Shabab, an al-Qaeda affiliated terrorist group based in Somalia. The abduction of the two women along with others in a short span led the Kenyan government to launch a military assault on the terror group in Somalia.

“[We] thank everyone involved in securing their safe release,” Doctors without Borders said in a statement.

The women had been working at the Dadaab refugee complex in Kenya, considered the largest refugee complex in the world. The camp houses around 500,000 people who have fled the fighting in Somalia between al-Shabab and government forces.

The Kenyan troops joined with troops from other African nations to drive the terrorists out of Somalia’s major cities and has continued an offensive to destroy the terrorist organization.

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