Chinese Earthquake Death Toll Rises

Luke 21:11 There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.

The death toll in China’s Dingxi earthquake has risen to at least 75 with over 400 injured according to relief workers in the area.

The U.S. Geological Survey says the region was actually hit by two quakes last evening. The first was just under a 6.0 magnitude and very shallow with a depth of just 6 miles. A second quake, a 5.6 magnitude, hit the same area an hour later.

So far over 370 aftershocks have hit the region as emergency personnel try to reach the wounded. Tremors have been felt over 250 miles away from the main quake’s epicenter.

Almost 400 homes are reported to have collapsed with at least 5,600 suffering significant damage. Power is out throughout the region and mobile phone service has been interrupted as towers have been knocked out.

The local government has estimated damages of $32 million to the local economy already from the quake.

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