Anti-Christianists Threatening Alabama School Prayer Caravan

Mark 13:13 “You will be hated by all because of My name, but the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.”

The anti-Christianist group Freedom From Religion Foundation is threatening the Cullman (Alabama) County Board of Education with a lawsuit if a group of citizens is allowed to pray for the schools the weekend before schools open for the year.

For the last two years, citizens have moved from school to school in the county praying for 15 minutes on the campus of each school. The event is not sponsored by the school district and no school buildings are opened for the event.

However, the anti-Christianist FFRF says that the prayer caravan is still an “egregious violation” despite the lack of school sponsorship.

“It does not matter that this event occurs outside normal school hours because prayers at other after-school events such as football games and graduations have been found unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court,” FFRF lawyer Andrew Seidel wrote.

School board president Billy Coleman said the event will continue.

6 thoughts on “Anti-Christianists Threatening Alabama School Prayer Caravan

  1. If they have any problems they can contact ACLJ -American Center for Law and Justice, Jay Sekulow has fought all the way to the Supreme Court and won many cases. In this Country we have Freedom of Religion NOT from Religion. The time has come to stand up and push back before we loose all our freedoms.

  2. A big thank you to Billy Coleman for standing up to those who haven’t had the honor of meeting and knowing Jesus as we do.

    Whatever has happened to freedom of religion in our free country. We all need to pray more for our countries and leaders, no matter if we voted for them or not.

  3. Please, WE Christ-persons need to wake up and realize we’re all called, everyone of us, to Participate when issues such as this arise. If we wait until it’s “my child, city, grandchild, neighborhood, It Will Be Too Late!!! We must abandon our propensity to reduce such stories and articles to the all too familiar category called “Entertainment”. Must we wait until we find ourselves in circumstances similar to the lepers who were shut outside the cities’ gates. When will we arise, realizing We are the Chosen Ones, called to act in the face of tyranny, as depicted in the article. WE MUST ACT! We deplore the lack of leadership in the church, yet when a fine, proven leader such as Franklin Graham calls upon us, we’re___________(fill in the blank with anything other than involved!) What ever we we tell our grandchildren? Better yet, what will our sons and daughters have to say, when, in their later years, they realize we squandered what’s left of religious freedom.Please, my brother, my sister, hold my feet to the fire, as we hold each other and ourselves accountable!

  4. Why don’t Christians ban together and start voting and if any Judge rules against Christians demand that he lose his job, and start voting in elections instead of procrastinating.

  5. This anti Christian group is unbelievable. What differenc edoes it mean to them since they don’t believe in prayer in the first place. Or, maybe they do and it scares them half to death. Well, Satan believes in prayer and he doesn’t want it to happen. It definitely scares him.

    Keep up the good prayers for the schools and the kids in them. I wish more communities would do the “week before school prayer” thing.

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