Strong Quake Hits Northern Japan

Luke 21:11 There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.

A strong earthquake hit the same northern Japan region Sunday that was devastated by a massive quake and tsunami over 2 years ago.

The 6.0 magnitude quake began shortly after midday, 30 miles below the seabed off the coast of Miyagi Prefecture.

The Japan Meteorological Society said there was no risk of a tsunami but the quake was felt across a wide region. Tokyo Electric Power Company said there were no problems at any of their nuclear plants related to this earthquake.

However, the head of Japan’s Nuclear Regulatory Authority released news that the Fukushima nuclear plant is facing a new “emergency” because of a radioactive groundwater. The groundwater breached an underground barrier and has been leaking into the sea.

The Asahi newspaper reported that contaminated water could reach the surface in three weeks.

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