Boko Haram Attacks Vigilante Groups

Matthew 24:10,11 Then he said to them: “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.

Local officials are reporting at least 18 people are dead after Boko Haram terrorists attacked a vigilante group in Borno state.

According to reports, the majority of the dead are vigilantes who tried to keep Boko Haram from taking over the town of Benisheik. The attack comes on the heels of a major military operation against Boko Haram camps that killed about 50 terrorists.

A state official said the terrorists ambushed the civilian militia early Sunday, having taken sniper positions in trees. A militia member told the Associated Press they were waiting for Boko Haram to approach the town when they were attacked.

Observers in the region say Boko Haram is attacking local civilian militias in revenge any time the military takes action against them.

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