Washington Navy Yard Shooter Identified

Revelation 6:3-4 NCV When the Lamb opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, "Come!" Then another horse came out, a red one. Its rider was given power to take away peace (prosperity, rest) from the earth and to make people kill each other (butcher, slaughter, to maim violently, in streets), and he was given a big sword (assassins sword, terrorist, loud, mighty, sore afraid).

Washington, D.C. police have announced they are no longer looking for a second shooter after identifying the man who killed 11 others at the Navy Yard in Washington.

The killer is Aaron Alexis, a 34-year-old man who had been a civilian government contractor from Fort Worth, Texas. It is believed that Alexis used the identification badge of someone else to gain access to the base. Police found three weapons on the gunman’s body: an AR-15 assault rifle, a shotgun and a semiautomatic pistol.

Officials say at this point there is no apparent connection to terrorism. Alexis has a previous arrest in Fort Worth for discharging a weapon in 2010 but the district attorney did not prosecute him.

The base has been taken off lockdown along with nearby buildings. Civilians had been told to shelter in place while officials determined if there was more than one shooter.

Hospital spokesmen say the three victims who were in critical condition are still critical but now have a “good” chance for survival.

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