Iranian President Promises No Nuclear Weapons

Mark 13:8 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places, and famines. These are the beginning of birth pains.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has told NBC that his country will not produce nuclear weapons.

“We have never sought or pursued a nuclear bomb and we are not going to do so,” Rouhani said in an interview.

Rouhani also told NBC that he has full authority to negotiate with the west regarding his country’s nuclear program. The program has been a sore point between Iran and the west including the United Nations that has imposed multiple sanctions on Iran.

Rouhani also released a handful of political prisoners on Thursday reportedly including major reformist politician Mohsen Aminzadeh. In promising a more moderate approach to his country’s policies, Rouhani also pledged to allow more freedom for Iranian citizens.

“In today’s world, having access to information and the right of free dialogue and the right to think freely is the right of all people,” Rouhani told NBC. “Including the people of Iran.”

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