Egyptian Police General Killed As Forces Take Muslim Brotherhood Stronghold

Luke 21:9-10: [Jesus said] "When you hear of wars and revolutions, do not be frightened. These things must happen first, but the end will not come right away." Then he said to them, "Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom."

Egyptian police have raided and taken over the town of Kerdasa near Cairo that has been a stronghold of the Muslim Brotherhood. The raid was the second big move against a Brotherhood stronghold since Mohammed Morsi was removed in July.

Egyptian General Nabil Farrag was killed when Islamists opened fire from the rooftops of several schools and mosques that were under Muslim Brotherhood control.

At least 55 Islamic militants were arrested according to police sources.

The raid was launched in the early morning around 5:30 a.m. local time. The main reason for the raid according to local officials was a search for Islamic terrorists who had killed 11 police officers in Kerdasa earlier in the month.

One of the men arrested Thursday, Ahamd Uwars, is believed to have been the man who killed the head of the Kerdasa police station on August 14th. Other detainees reportedly are responsible for burning churches in the town.

One thought on “Egyptian Police General Killed As Forces Take Muslim Brotherhood Stronghold

  1. The west divided up the Ottoman Empire after WWI and put secular leaders in charge of those areas in order to suppress the Islamic push for world conquest. Islamic groups that preached spreading Islam by force were made illegal and the secular “dictators” enforced that rule. Brutal, yes, and yet it was necessary to stop their desire for bloody conquest. Now, with the help of the US these secular dictators are being taken out by the Muslim Brotherhood.
    The Muslim Brotherhood was formed soon after the division of the Ottoman Empire with the sole purpose of recreating the Islamic caliphate in the middle east. If that is accomplished they will continue the Quran’s order to spread Islam by the sword throughout the world. Of course they are not the only Islamic group wanting to control the world so Islam continues to be a threat everywhere. It is the same spirit of false religion that existed in the area since the time of Nimrod.

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