Homicide Bombers Kill 78 In Pakistani Church

Mark 13:13 “You will be hated by all because of My name, but the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.”

At least 78 Christians are dead after Muslim homicide bombers walked to a church on Sunday and detonated bomb vests.

The worshipers had just left All Saints Church in Peshawar, Pakistan after morning service and were starting to line up in the church yard to receive free food.

“As soon as the service finished and the food was being distributed, all of a sudden we heard one explosion, followed by another,” witness Azim Ghori told the New York Times.

Pakistan’s Interior Minister said that at least 78 are dead including 34 women and 7 children. Over 100 were wounded including 37 children.

A senior bomb squad official said each of the bombers carried at least 13 pounds of explosives.

This is just the latest in attacks on Christians in Pakistan. In March, a Muslim group burned two churches and more than 100 homes of Christian families.

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