Scientists Make Leap Toward Universal Flu Vaccine

Daniel 12:4 NLT “But you, Daniel, keep this prophecy a secret; seal up the book until the time of the end, when many will rush here and there, and knowledge will increase."

A study published in the journal Nature Medicine says that scientists have made a huge jump forward in the search for a universal flu vaccine.

The flu virus mutates so much each year that flu vaccines from the previous year are completely worthless for the current year. The virus changes the proteins on the surface of the virus that tricks the body’s immune system.

The scientists say that they have a “blueprint” for a universal vaccine based on the idea that T-cells in the immune system can identify the proteins in the core of a virus.

“It’s a blueprint for a vaccine. We know the exact subgroup of the immune system and we’ve identified the key fragments in the internal core of the virus. These should be included in a vaccine,” Professor Ajit Lalvani, project leader, told the BBC. “In truth, in this case it is about five years [away from a vaccine]. We have the know-how, we know what needs to be in the vaccine and we can just get on and do it.”

Seasonal flu kills up to 500,000 people each year. Outbreaks of new kinds of flu, such as the H7N9 virus in China, can threaten populations until development of a vaccine.

One thought on “Scientists Make Leap Toward Universal Flu Vaccine

  1. I would like to caution everyone about vaccines in general. It is your own decision of course. In my experience as a healthcare worker, I have found that very many of these 500,000 people who are said to die from the flu are people who are already medically compromised and the flu is one more health issue their immune system is unable to fight off. They are documented as dying from the flu when their underlying problems were what weakened them in the first place. The flu was secondary to, say for example, diabetes with kidney infection, COPD and so on. Big pharma is cashing in on all these vaccines as people are afraid to go without it, thinking it will protect them, but in reality, it is only 20% effective in preventing the flu. So who is really benefiting from this scare tactic? Not the public.

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