Pakistan Hit With Protests Over Church Bombing

Matthew 24:6 You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come.

Protesters carrying signs reading “Stop Killing Christians In Pakistan” took to the streets throughout the country claiming the government is not doing anything to stop Islamists from murdering Christians.

The double homicide bombing on Sunday has now reportedly lead to 85 deaths with the number likely to climb with many victims still in critical condition.

Two Islamist groups with Taliban connections said they bombed the church of Pakistiani Christians because they were upset about U.S. drone strikes.

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif said the attack did not bode well for talks with militants. Sharif has been criticized for being soft on Taliban terrorists and refusing to take military action against them.

One thought on “Pakistan Hit With Protests Over Church Bombing

  1. Return of Christ; Tell people we are 2,000 years closer; we are to be ready wether “Tomorrow” or 100 years from now—“A-men” Interesting; “Lot of people putting down our “President”??? According to the “Word of God”; We are too “Pray” for our leaders; “God puts them in God takes them out”; God Bless;

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