National Park Service Produces Videos Praising Islam

II Timothy 3:13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.

A video posted on the website of Women’s Rights National Historical Park shows American Muslim students blaming hatred against their faith on the 9/11 attacks, called Islam a pioneer in women’s rights and addressed what they called “general ignorance.”

The video is quoted as saying “Islam within itself, Islam itself means peace. Islam brings nothing but peace if you truly look into it.”

The park’s website says the video is part of a three-part series with children discussing “their experience and challenges with negative Muslim stereotypes and assumptions.”

Fox News’ Todd Starnes contacted the National Park Service who were quick to say the video was produced through a grant from group “Friends of Women’s Rights National Historical Park.”

The video singled out Islam’s treatment of women claiming the religion does not suppress women despite violence and discrimination against women openly displayed in many Muslim nations.

“People think that Islam oppresses women and there’s no equality but they’re wrong,” one student says in the video. “There’s equity.”

The NPS refused, however, to answer any questions about whether they have done similar videos for any other religion including Christianity and Judaism. The video, however, makes many disparaging remarks about other religions. The NPS did not comment on those statements either.

“If a Christian man does something or a Jewish man does something or an atheist man does something, nobody ever blames their religion,” a student said. “But if you see a Muslim man doing something, their religion is blamed when Islam brings nothing but peace when you truly look into it.”

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