I know about the effects of drug use. I know because I experienced those effects in my own life for a number of years. Most of the drugs I ingested, like marijuana, put me in a stupor. I liked the stupor – it shoved aside any resemblance of reality in my chaotic life and gave me a false sense of comfort. It often made me sleepy and lethargic.
Christians are doing drugs today, but their drug is not marijuana. Today, we have an even more damaging drug that Christian people everywhere ingest every single day. It is not illegal, but it should be. It is freely distributed in our homes and even in our churches.
It is a drug called “apathy”.
Though the signs of the times are all around us, “Happy Home” and “Happy Church” lacks the motivation necessary to sound the alarm that we will soon experience changes in our lives and in our world that we must be ready for. We are on the precipice of a huge alteration of our reality. Some of us need to enter a spiritual ‘rehab’.
This ministry wants you to be prepared. We are sounding the alarm. Will you get free of this drug called “apathy” today? Will you free yourself so that you can help your children and other loved ones be ready for Times of Trouble?
If you belong to Jesus, you are not appointed to His wrath. We are assured of this. But even those who are His are warned over and over in the scriptures to watch for the signs of His coming and be ready!
Don’t ingest the reassuring babble coming from our government, the media, and some pulpits. Prepare yourself and your family and be ready spiritually and physically.
We love you, we really do!
Hi Lori: Good Word. I notice in the news today the President put a freeze on the Federal employees employment income. I believe that was the right thing to do since the Seniors (Medicare) did not get their raise either. Healthy empathy is good for us but unhealthy empathy is not. True encouragement is much better for us that unhealthy apathy.Thank you for sounding the alarm. We need the truth. Truth will set us free. Babble will only create stress. Some churches really target the “Happy Church” because Pastors are afraid to speak the real truth. Why is this? MONEY. Wealth is good for us if we use the money the way the Bible wants us too. The people need to start speaking up for the truth. They should not only expect the truth but demand the truth. People would not be in such financial cris today if they would of received the truth especially in housing. Enjoyed your word. God Bless.