Angelic Visitations

Our friend, Rick Joyner, was with us recently and we had a wonderful time recalling the supernatural visitations of the Lord’s angels that we have all experienced.  Angelic visitations are biblical and should not be considered unusual.  In fact, angelic visitations should be commonplace among those who belong to the Lord.

Angels are messengers and ministering spirits. 

LUKE 22:42-43
42 …”Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from Me; nevertheless not My will, but Yours, be done.”
43 Then an angel appeared to Him from heaven, strengthening Him.

There are protective angels as well that will keep God’s people from harm. 

PSALM 91:1-6,11-12
1 He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
2 I will say of the LORD, “He is my refuge and my fortress; my God, in Him I will trust.”
3 Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence.
4 He shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you shall take refuge; his truth shall be your shield and buckler.
5 You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, nor of the arrow that flies by day,
6 Nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness, nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday.
11 For He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways.
12 In their hands they shall bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone.

 Often an angel will appear in a dream with an instruction or communication of some sort. 

I remember when we were visiting Moravian Falls, N.C., where Rick’s main church is located and I had a vivid visitation from an angel of the Lord.  When I awoke, I was so excited and I wanted to tell Jim all about it but he said, “no, I’ll tell you about it.  You were talking all night long in your sleep!”

In this particular visitation, the angel showed me a group of young people with their hands raised in worship and sometimes performing human videos in worship… and it was in the most beautiful place.  It was only later, when the framing for the tabernacle was going up, that I realized that THIS is the place I was shown in my dream.  The angel was telling me that many young people will worship God in that tabernacle and it will be pleasing to Him.

In the last days, the Lord promised to pour out His spirit on all flesh – the young and the old, male and female.  Part of that spiritual outpouring will be to have our spiritual eyes opened to see supernatural beings.  Rick said we’re going to need that supernatural guidance from the Lord’s angels in Times that are coming.  In fact, our very lives may depend on it!

I believe that, and I pray that God will send His angels to guide and encourage His people in the Last Days.

The Lord recently spoke these three things to me: 

(1) Be prepared for the storms, natural and supernatural

(2) Weather the storms

(3) Clean up after the storms

I know in my heart that we will need help from angelic forces to be able to withstand the storms that are coming.  I want my heart and spirit prepared to receive from the Lord’s messengers.

6 thoughts on “Angelic Visitations

  1. Angels Watching Over Lori’s House

    This is what the Lord says
    Speak words of Blessing
    over Family members
    Bless our children and future generations
    This is what the Lord says
    Pray for Lori’s House
    that unborn child
    Living at Lori’s House
    Pray the Prayer of Blessing
    for all the unborn children
    Living at Lori’s House
    Someone believes in You
    We Bless You
    Hear this, Child of God, the LORD our God, the LORD is ONE
    And you, unborn Child, shall love the LORD your God with all your flesh
    with all your eternal soul
    with your entire mind and
    with all your physical strength
    Thank YOU Lord for this Blessing
    to be upon our unborn children
    future generations
    Living at Lori’s House
    to know
    the Lord thy God is ONE
    And this is what the Lord says
    You will lay hands on the foundation of Lori’s House
    and Bless the work of many hands
    This is a house the Lord will build
    To Bless Children
    To know
    The Lord thy God is ONE
    GOD of Creation
    Creator of the Universe
    who made all the galaxies in the Universe
    who made all the stars in the Universe
    who made our sun and its light
    All of this was created by God
    Dear Children
    we have
    One God
    Creator of the Universe
    Who made the solar system, planet Earth and it’s moon
    God Created planet Earth
    In the beginning
    God Created the Universe and this Earth
    Dear Children
    God made planet Earth
    God made all the water on planet Earth
    God made all the land on planet Earth
    God made every living thing
    God made every human being
    God made men and women and gave them children
    God created you and me children
    Know the LORD thy GOD is ONE
    Dear Children
    Everyone on planet Earth
    Every man and woman
    Every child
    Every Baby
    Has ONE GOD
    Thank YOU Lord for this Blessing
    to be upon our Children today
    to know
    the Lord thy God is ONE

  2. When I was 18 years old, I spent the night in the room of my Great Grandmother. She always prayed before she went to sleep. Night after night she would have breathing problems. This night I heard her pray and ask God, just this once would you let me have a good night’s sleep and not smother. As she put it. I awoke during the night and looked across the room where she slept. It was to quiet. She was always gasping for air. What I saw was an angel, dark hair, white robe with a strip of blue intermingled in the robe. He was standing in mid air and watching over her as though he were guarding her. The next morning her eyes were so big, she was so excited. She said, I had the best night’s sleep. I didn’t smother all night. I never told her about the angel. But I thought, how often do we pray, and God sends us an angel, unseen by the human eye to watch over us or our children. My great-grandmother passed on not long after that night.

  3. I really never thought about angels until lately, i have a daughter that is a little on the wild side and i started praying every night that the Lord please protect her children, and then the Lord spoke to me and said i will send my angels to watch over them, i started to cry because i knew he always does what he says, and it made me realise that the angels are among us and not just in heaven. i can’t always be there to keep my grandchildren, but i have peace in my heart that God is protecting them with his angels at all cost, i pray that he protects them through out their lives, and i pray every night that he will send his angels to protect all children all over the world where ever they may be.

  4. Wow! I love angels! Our younger son used to have visitations of angels when
    he was little and would share them with me. He even saw an angel when I
    was with him once and described the angel to me. This was very
    important because now he denies his angel experiences. He does
    admit the angel he saw when I was with him though.
    But what I would like to share is my experience of hearing my angel
    even though I have not seen my angel. I was increasing my worship to
    the Lord as busyness in life had drawn me away from the worship I used
    to know. I tend to have difficulty getting the mornings started and the
    mornings are gone before I get a good start of the day. Call it
    laziness or whatever–but here is what happened. I had noticed that I
    would start to wake up feeling refreshed for a new day. As I would
    start to arise, I would feel a slight pressure on my chest affecting my
    breathing. All at once I would feel very sleepy–almost lethargic—and
    go back to sleep. When I’d wake up I had way overslept and felt draggy
    the rest of the day. So one night as I went to sleep I asked the Lord
    to please help me to get up early and to get a lot done the next day.
    The next morning I woke up refreshed ready to go. Then that same
    pressure on my chest and drowsiness–as I felt the pressure and started
    to cuddle back down into the covers, I heard this emphatic male voice
    cry “NO!” Then I thought, “Oh, ok, no–get up Glenda.” Wow, Lord,I
    prayed that must have been my angel telling me no to get up. I heard
    the voice from the left corner of my room. I was and still am seeking
    the Lord for guidance in my life. I yearn to be closer to Him to
    constantly be in worship and obedience to him. I had an extra oomph of
    energy that day and got more accomplished than usual! But wait there’s
    more. About a week later, I was sitting on my sofa watching the Jim
    Bakker Show.
    I heard a feminine and VERY MELODIC voice say right into my right
    ear,”patience”.The voice was directly into my ear canal. There was no
    mistaking it because my ear felt it! As I heard the word the wave
    sounds hit a nerve which made my ear hurt for a second. So I guess the
    Lord made sure I got that message HA! Now when I start to feel
    impatient I am quick to remember to be patient. Well with my inquiring
    mind, I began to ask the Lord why did my angel have two different
    voices==or was it two different angels? The angel who said,”Patience”
    talks musical so one just think how beautiful that angel must sing!
    WOW! So I asked God, “Lord the angel that said,”No!”—Does that angel
    have a good singing voice?” I couldn’t believe that I was even
    concerned about that first angel’s singing voice! So a few days later I
    was dreaming as I was waking up. In the dream I was like a little child
    being tucked into bed by my angel. It was as if my angel was holding my
    hand singing to me a love song to Jesus. I was very familiar with the
    song and joined my angel singing to the Lord. I can’t remember it now
    but it was about the sweet preciousness of Jesus. I loved it. Lori, I
    got to sing with my angel to Jesus! And yes that angel has a wonderful
    soothing voice!

  5. The Lord told me He would keep me from the storm. Keep -Greek -guard. Place a military encampment about. A fortress I will also be prepared in the natural and spiritual But its good to know He’s covered me and my family.

  6. I want to share 2 instances in my own life, where I believe were supernatural occurences. One I was in Toledo, Ohio. Alone with my
    2 small children. We were having a simple meal, just homemade soup and sandwiches. There was a knock on my door, I answered there were 3 very polite men there asking if I would give them a meal. I remember telling them I would serve them on the back porch since my husband was not home. They had a presence I could not explain. They told me they were travelers on a journey. Then one, turned to me and I was startled by the blueness of his eyes. Kind, yet penetrating to my very soul. He spoke and said, woman, you do not know what you have done here this day. You helped us and one day we will help you. Another instance, I was driving down a country road, it was raining on top of ice. I was going to fast. My car went out of control. There were 10 foot ditches along the sides of the road. I missed a telephone pole and another vehicle. I still remember the terror on their face. I hit the 10 foot ditch going about 80 miles an hour. The impact was horrific. The car was airborne flipping in the air. I cried Jesus help. When I did the car straightened out in mid-air and instead of crashing back into the ditch. It seemed as light as a feather and was placed on the field away from the ditch. When the car came down, there was not even a bump or thud. I believe when I cried Jesus help, that’s all I had time for. The angels of the Lord straightened the car in mid-air and placed it in that field. When my husband took the car in to be fixed. The man said, the person in this car died. My husband said no, just some bruises. The man could not believe it. Thought I would share. I believe with all my heart in the ministry of angels.

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