Egyptian Government Moves To Seize Muslim Brotherhood Assets

Matthew 24:6 You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come.

Egyptian officials said that an appeals court has ruled the banning of the Muslim Brotherhood legal and now the government is moving to seize the group’s assets.

The government also plans to ban or take over all social services the group runs including hospitals, schools and charitable organizations. A spokesman for the Minister of Social Solidarity has said the cabinet is forming a committee to investigate the sources of Brotherhood funds and how to take over assets.

Hani Mahanna, the Minister’s spokesman, said that if any charities can be shown to have connections to the Brotherhood, that charity’s assets would also be seized.

Brotherhood supporters say they will continue to take to the streets in protest of the government’s removal of their leaders from positions of power.

Most Muslim Brotherhood leaders are in jail and former President Mohammed Morsi has not been seen in public since being removed from power in July.

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