Another Accident At Fukushima Plant Covers Workers In Radioactive Water

Matthew 24:10,11 Then he said to them: “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.

A third accident with radioactive water from storage tanks has exposed at least six workers to radioactivity according to Tokyo Electric Power Company.

The plant has been suffering a series of accidents since the 2011 tsunami that caused meltdowns in three reactors. The plant has been pumping in large amounts of water to keep the reactors cool since the accident and have been storing them in unreliable storage tanks.

TEPCO reported a worker removed a pipe connected to a water treatment system and six workers in the location of the tank were sprayed with contaminated water. The company said they have not yet been able to determine the level of radiation each worker was exposed to.

On Monday, the plant experienced a minor emergency when a worker accidentally switched off power to pumps that sent water into the reactors to cool them.

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