NSA Spies On 124 Billion Calls In One Month

Daniel 12:4 NLT “But you, Daniel, keep this prophecy a secret; seal up the book until the time of the end, when many will rush here and there, and knowledge will increase."

The National Security Agency recorded information from more than 124 billion phone calls during a 30-day period earlier this year including more than 3 billion calls from sources inside the United States.

Top-secret documents released to various media outlets show details of the NSA’s “Boundless Informant” program. The software permits a user to select any country on a world map and access all of the information regarding calls captured in that region.

European newspapers such as the U.K. Guardian and Der Spiegel showed screenshots of the program highlighting where most of the calls were captured during a 30-day time frame.

Afghanistan led the way with almost 22 billion calls captured followed by Pakistan’s 13.76 billion. The middle east was also a hot spot for captures with 1.74 billion traced to Iran and 1.64 from Jordan.

The NSA also captured more than 6.28 billion calls from India.

The most disturbing part of the program was that along with spying on calls from inside their own country, the NSA was spying on allies including 61 million calls tracked from Spain and more than 70 million in France.

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