120 Dead From Typhoon Haiyan; Toll Expected To Rapidly Rise

Luke 21:25,26 “There will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth dismay among nations, in perplexity at the roaring of the sea and the waves, men fainting from fear and the expectation of the things which are coming upon the world; for the powers of the heavens will be shaken.

Editor’s Note: Prophet Rick Joyner warns that when you see strange and extreme weather (record breaking highs, lows, floods, droughts, tornadoes, storms), it is a prophetic sign that the Revelation Days are upon us.

The death toll from Super Typhoon Haiyan has been reported to be at least 120 and officials expect it to rapidly rise as communications are restored with villages across the Philippines.

The storm devastated the city of Tacloban.  Witness reports say the entire city was engulfed by flood waters and the airport was destroyed to the level that only military pilots are able to land.  Airport officials said the terminal of the airport was completely destroyed by storm surges.  Officials who were able to fly over the city reported to the BBC that they saw at least 100 bodies laying in the streets.

A church in neighboring Palo was crushed by storm surges killing 20 people taking shelter.

“We have reports of collapsed buildings, houses flattened to the ground… storm surges and landslides,” Philippine Red Cross chief Gwendolyn Pang said to news agency AFP.  “But we don’t know really, we can’t say how bad the damage is… hopefully today we can get a better picture as to the effects of the super typhoon.”

Police officials say landslides are making it difficult for local rescue teams and military relief efforts to reach remote villages.

Typhoon Haiyan weakened to a category 4 storm after crossing the Philippines but forecasters say it could likely return to category 5 status before making landfall in central Vietnam on Sunday.  Hundreds of thousands of people have already been evacuated from coastal areas and some storm models show Taiyan maintaining hurricane force winds through Monday.

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