Prophets Rick Joyner and Larry Randolph Live at Morningside

November has been a great month with special guests that have brought us incredible prophetic messages and insights! But as they say, “it ain’t over yet!” We are looking forward to even more information and insights from our next two guests.

Rick Joyner will be joining us on November 19th for a live taping beginning at 11 a.m. CT.

Every time Rick joins us, he brings a significant message for these strategic days in which we live. We need the prophets and their understanding of the times for direction in the Body of Christ.

Larry Randolph joins us on November 26th for his first-ever appearance on the Jim Bakker Show. Larry has been deeply involved in various renewal outpourings since the 1960’s, and is the author of the widely acclaimed book “User Friendly Prophecy.” His insights into the operation of the prophetic gift are a must-have for the times we are facing.

Be sure to make your plans now to join us for these very exciting upcoming shows. There’s always room for The Jim Bakker Show tapings, but accommodations at Morningside do fill up quickly, so make your reservations today!

Reservations for our RV Park and Wilderness Campground can be made by calling 417-779-9246. You can also make reservations for one of the condos here at Morningside by calling 479-228-2257 or 417-779-2370.

All of our show tapings begin at 11 a.m. CT. Please be advised that tapings of The Jim Bakker Show may last up to 6 hours. Audience members are welcome to stay for any portion of these tapings.

And remember, if you’re unable to join us here at Morningside, you can still be a part of these incredible shows through our Live Web Stream.

6 thoughts on “Prophets Rick Joyner and Larry Randolph Live at Morningside

  1. Watching PTL in 1981 or 82, was healed that day of 3 years of lower disk damage after word of knowledge by Jim. He said 15 min. later that my rebellious son would become a man of God which was an awesome
    confirmation. That was 9:05 am when I accepted that Word and was healed at 4:00 pm. that afternoon.
    My rebellious son became an ordained minister and officer in the Salvation Army in 2004. Just recently
    have been able to watch the Jim Bakker show on Daystar. Have followed the events in Jim’s life, read some of his books, prayed for and thanked God he never gave up! Haven’t had a a disc problem since that day. Praise God!

    • Wow, Norma…this is an incredible testimony…not only of God’s power to heal but also of Jim’s walk with the Lord, as evidenced by his prophetic message concerning you and your son. Thank you for sharing your testimony…maybe some who believe the worst of Jim will instead begin to see the Christ in him. Our God is good, Norma!

  2. Prophet Randolph is the kind of prophet whom I could kick back on the backyard porch with. Drinking iced tea, chewing on a 12 inch straw of hay. Laughter and deep things of God would be sure to manifest there on the backyard porch. Even signs following, confirming His word (rhema!).

    Now Prophet Joyner would be another matter. Intensity & right NOW would be the focus. With prophet Joyner, think it be more like –Did you see that? Oh, let me tell you what God just showed me. Yea, I see it too! Cool. Yea, so cool. Let’s do it. Okay, let me get my keys.

    Perhaps an over exuberance, yet it gets to the immediate point. I’d love to hang-out with each man on my backyard porch.

    Love ya’ll.
    Because of Jesus,

  3. Can you send me future taping schedules and speakers and when they will air? Thank you and your show blesses me. I was an original Partner with a timeshare at PTL. I never did believe the lies and prayed for you and family throughout the years. Keep on doing what the Lord guides you. I really wish I could order so many things for preparedness but I am not able to work I’m disabled and my husband works at Walmart and we never get ahead to order anything we have a child at home I homeschool 2 grown children and 3 grandchildren. Years ago when you first started preparedness we ordered some things from you, in fact I have to pray for my family because I feel like I let my family down not being able to prepare as I know you are right. I really would love Dr. David Jeremiah’s new bible in fact I used to have the PTL 3 version of the Bible until I left it at Carpenters Home Church and never got it back the worst part was loosing all my many notes in the margins. I only want that for Christmas but don’t see how at this point. I remember well PTL and it was the only place I ever felt safe to let my children enjoy. You have come a long way since you and Lori were in that little restaurant starting your show. I have been praying for all of you and your family and will continue to do so. Keep on telling it like it really is and follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Praying for you to continue in boldness and truth. Love to you, Deborah Davis and the Davis Family from Lakeland, Fl.

    • You can view our taping and broadcast schedule found on the following link at your convenience:

      This is the most up to date information available. We currently do not have any guests scheduled for the remainder of december and our working on our calendar for January. We hope to have our full January schedule available soon.

      We will be praying for you and your family that God will provide all of your needs according to HIS riches and glory!

      Be blessed!

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