Philadelphia Mayor Declares War on “Knockout Game”

Luke 19:43 The days will come upon you when your enemies will build an embankment against you and encircle you and hem you in on every side.

The Mayor of Philadelphia has stepped up to say that the “knockout game” spreading across the country in major cities will not be tolerated in his town.

“This is not a game. You can seriously injure or possibly kill someone,” Mayor Michael Nutter said at a press conference. “Your child’s life will be dramatically changed, and probably yours as well as a parent. So let’s cut out the nonsense. There are many other things that people can do to enjoy themselves. This is not one of them.”

The “knockout game” is where a victim is randomly assaulted by striking them in the head with the intention of knocking them out with one punch while the incident is recorded on a cell phone or other device.

The Mayor said anyone caught committing a crime connected to the “knockout game” would face charges ranging from aggravated assault to third degree murder. He has instructed the city’s district attorney to use the most serious charges available for any attack and prosecute to the fullest extent.

Nutter and Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey encouraged parents to be involved with their children, ask them if they know anyone engaging in the game and pay attention to who their children associate with during the day.

2 thoughts on “Philadelphia Mayor Declares War on “Knockout Game”

  1. I hope this city tracts down this knockout crime from these gangs. There should be national law put in place and signed by Feds as soon as possible. The same charges the Mayor Micheal Nutter had forced in city of Philadephia, Pa. This needs to be stopped. It can cause death, hurt and mess up a person for life. I pray knockout crimes stop.

  2. When I was a teen-ager I grew up with the riots in schools. This new social fad of knock-out punch horrifies and terrifies me to death. I wish blacks and whites could like each other instead of hate each other. I wish all people could respect and help one another. Even to the animal and nature kingdom. Why is there so much bad in the world? Why God?

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