Anti-Christian Group Drives Air Force To Remove Nativity

Mark 13:13 “You will be hated by all because of My name, but the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.”

The anti-Christian group Military Religious Freedom Foundation has forced the Air Force to remove a nativity scene from Shaw Air Force Base in South Carolina.

The plastic nativity scene included traditional Christmas elements like Mary, Joseph, assorted animals and Baby Jesus. According to the MRFF, the site emotionally troubled some Airmen from the base.

The Air Force removed the display within hours of the anti-Christian group contacting the Pentagon.

Shaw Air Force Base’s public affairs office did not return calls to Fox News’ Todd Starnes for comment about why they removed the display. However, Fox News’ commentator Sarah Palin said the action was not surprising.

“We see stories like this every day and yet leftwing pundits still claim that the so-called ‘War on Christmas’ is a figment of the imagination,” Palin told Starnes. “The War on Christmas is just the top of the spear in a larger battle to marginalize expressions of faith and make true religious freedom a thing of the past.”

One thought on “Anti-Christian Group Drives Air Force To Remove Nativity

  1. Okay, great……

    So now even our magnificent divinely-blessed “U.S. Armed Forces personnel” want to get rid of any mention or public display of God-related subjects or Biblical motifs……..

    …..Oh, but ahhha……

    When deadly disaster unexpectedly strikes the nation, such as “9/11″……..

    The Human Race, “all-of-a-sudden”, gets the unmitigated GALL to angrily “raise up its fist” towards Heaven; and in a self-righteous TONE of voice, defiantly interrogates God; audaciously demanding of Him the ANSWER to the age-old question: “Where were You when we needed You???” – or very simply, “Where was God???”, period; when all of this “mess” took place.

    Well, “hello” Human Race……

    God has been with us all along!!!

    But you didn’t “want” Him “around” from the beginning anyway!

    When “LIFE” itself is going “well” for you, you conveniently don’t want Him “around”. And thus, don’t want to hear or see “anything”, at all, pertaining to Him, such as Nativity scenes during the Christmas season; first, in the public schools – and NOW on military academies and bases.
    But THEN, when human beings suddenly and unexpectedly “DIE” in deadly natural or man-made disasters; well then, “Oh, all-of-a-sudden”, we start IMMEDIATELY “paying attention” to Him after all; wondering as to “WHERE” He could’ve possibly have been, when some shocking unexpected deadly disaster strikes the Planet, such as Hurricane Katrina; and we get “righteously indignant” with God; arrogantly presuming that He should’ve INTERVENED in our lives, down here on Planet Earth, to prevent the possibility of a great loss of life in these same deadly disasters occurring all over the world.

    But, as far as God Himself is concerned; that SINCE prideful self-confidant, self-reliant “Man” does not “WANT” the Lord to be “around” us at all; well then, consequently, for God to hear, from Man, that the Human Race doesn’t want to have “anything” to do with “G-O-D” when “things” are going well; only serves to tell the Almighty that; SINCE Man really doesn’t “want” for the Lord to be in our “presence” when “things” are indeed going quite “well” for us; that therefore, this LIKEWISE means, to God, that Man would ALSO not “want” for the Most High to be “around” us when “things” are going quite BADLY, such as with “9/11”, Hurricane Katrina, Swine-Flu epidemic, the Economic Collapse, extreme deadly weather, mass shootings, etc.

    In other words, as far as the Almighty God Himself is concerned; that IF Man really sincerely doesn’t “want” God anytime in his presence; or doesn’t feel the “need” for God to be the “Center” of his life when times are going “good”; well then, God sees Man as likewise NOT “needing” Him when times are conversely going “bad” for him.

    In other words, as far as the Creator Himself is concerned; that, to use a well-known colloquial expression, “you can’t have your cake and it too”; OR “what’s good for the goose is good for the gander”!! That is, as God sees it; THAT, if we don’t “want” to recognize and submit to his “authority” over our lives when times are “good” for us; well then, we shouldn’t EXPECT God to exercise this same divine, supreme eternal “Heavenly Authority” to wave His mighty “hand”, in STOPPING all of the deadly natural and man-made disasters that are taking out the very LIVES of millions of people around the world every year – and increasingly so.

    So, with us asking Heaven and Earth, as to “Where was God???” when all of these current (and past) deadly disasters had taken place; that instead, let us NOT look up and ask ourselves – “Where was God???”, BUT rather, let’s ask ourselves: “Where was MAN???”

    In other words, tragically today, America will ONE DAY surely “pay” the price – in “Divine Judgment” [as she already IS; with, for example, the current deadly snow blizzard across the country], for removing “G-O-D” out of the “market-place of ideas”; such as removing the Christmas nativity scenes out of public schools and out of America’s military bases. If we don’t want God even in our traditionally-Biblically-oriented military establishments, such as our military academies and bases; well then, EXPECT God to soon enough voluntarily “REMOVE” Himself out of providing the miraculous “Hedge of Protection” upon the territorial borders of this greatly-blessed country of ours, against “foreign enemies” that want to utterly DESTROY the “military might” – and kill the people – of the United States of America. And we will surely “see” this happen – if the NATION, as a whole, continues on this same evil course of trying to ELIMINATE, as much as possible, any public display – or verbal or written – expressions glorifying, in any way, the very “God of the Bible”.


    No recognition or honor to God in the U.S. Military…….

    And thus, no “blessing” of divine protection from attacks by our foreign enemies!!!
    Let us continue to pray for our wicked nation – before it’s too late!!!

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